Anyone ever seen one of these?


New member
Now THAT is just too cool! It so appeals to my inner geek. Awesome!!! Never seen or even heard of this before. Thanks for posting it!!! :clap:
We got big bellies solar trash cans in Philly. Turned into a bit of a PR nightmare because the cost was high and apparently the city messed up on its contract but they are a good idea... only in my neighborhood the challenge is getting people to actually use trash-cans of any kind.
That is way cool, but wait a minute. It surprises me to see something like that here in the US. I wouldn't be surprised if they had them in Denmark or anywhere in that region, for instance.
That thing is almost as cool as the self-cleaning public pay toilet that they have in a few countries around the world.
I really though they were cool too. On the website, I liked the idea that it "texts" when it is full.

The one that I saw is in a small town next to mine. IN my town, they just dump the cans when they pick up everything else. For that reason, I question a savings for small towns.

The town that has them is one of the wealthier towns though