Any cat whisperers here?

Fisher's Mom

Mother Superior
Super Site Supporter
I will be bringing 2 of my mom's cats home with me. Boo, who is a solid black male, and Tux, who is a black and white female. I sure hope my other two cats aren't offended.

I have my 2 dogs with me now and they seem to be getting along splendidly with the cats. Boo even plays chase with Junior. And all of them are sleeping on the bed with me at night with no problems.

I may have to bring another one of mom's cats, Bob, for a while. He is a spooky cat and is poorly socialized. I've only recently been able to pet him, with the help of "kitty crack" (aka Friskies kitty treats). But he disappears anytime someone comes into the house. I'm not optimistic about finding him a home in his current, anti-social state. Any suggestions about how to make him friendlier?

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕
Gold Site Supporter
I have no idea how to make a Bob (cat) friendlier.
Shut up all you FF members :lol:

Seriously, Terry.
Just allow "Bob" to find his way amongst the new family zoo mix.
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Grill Master
i'll ask dw in the morning, f-mom. she is incredible with cats. i've never seen anything like it. they seem to obey her.

i've looked into it, and the only thing i've found is that they are her "familiars". :unsure:

lol, actually, i think it has to do with the tone and tempo of her voice.

i guess berating bob, calling him a little pussy wouldn't work.

ok, i'm out, no more cat jokes.


Grill Master
Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
I agree with Sass - just let Bob be himself.

He may never be the perfect pet at this point, but he'll have a good home with you, Terry.



Active member
Just take your time... love him when he wants to be loved but ignore him at all others times. Feed him away from the other animals for awhile... talk sweet and slow...


New member
Gold Site Supporter
We stopped at a gas station one time, and there was this scrawny little female cat whining for food when I came back out. I sent DW in to get some milk to feed her. When DW got back, we started feeding her, and somehow or the other, DW grabbed her and put her in the car.

DW said that the cat would live outdoors. That lasted 12 whole hours and then she was inside. We got her fixed and named her Ms. Wiggy because, well, she's a bit wiggy in the head.

Very anti-social, and doesn't play with the other cats much at all, and we've had her for about 4 years now (or is it 5 years???). She spends most of her time in the back bedroom away from everyone. In the past 2 years, she has started to occasionally (about once to twice a month) come out and sit in Lisa's lap for 2-3 minutes.

In the past year, she has actually let me pet her when she is lounging about within arm's reach.

In the past 6-8 months she has gotten to where she doesn't run like her tail is on fire when you enter a room that she is lounging in.

I think this is about the best she'll ever be. She'll let you pet her for about 1 minute if you happen upon her. She'll ask to be petted by Lisa once or twice a month for a minute or 2, and she just lounges where she wants ignoring you to the best of her ability. Good enough I think. At least she is well fed and has a good home.

The other cats get in a mood on occasion and pick on her (chase her through the house), but for the most part, everyone gets along. They eat their treats together, eat food and drink water from the same bowls, use the same litter boxes, etc.

Odd thing is, Lisa says that when I'm asleep, Ms. Wiggy will actually climb up on my chest or my pillow and rub her head against mine. Weird. She never comes to me when I'm awake!!! :lol:

So, just let Bob be Bob. He'll be fine. Anti-social, but fine none-the-less.

Fisher's Mom

Mother Superior
Super Site Supporter
LOL! That's what I thought. I have a spooky cat, too, and it's taken me almost 5 years for him to become friendly with me. He is all over me most of the time now, but he's still scared of strangers. Bob reminds me of Milo a lot.

BT - you're a saint! I am overwhelmed at your generosity!

(You were offering to let me send Bob to your wife for "rehab", right? Right?
