I figured the title was part of it. "Open up and say.........."
I'm so happy, I won't even touch that!! Although, the tech was cute as hell!!
Terry, wasn't much to it really. I undressed from the waist up
, put on the lovely hospital gown, opening in the front, layed on the table, he wiped down all the spots with a damn little thing that felt like sandpaper, rubbed with alcohol
he said, it'll be a little cold BULLSHIT, it was ice cold and BURNED where he sanded away my skin!!
He put all the damn electrode stickies on me and hooked me up. Felt like a damn robot with all the wires. Could have accidentally touched me inappropriately while connecting the wires, damn it.
then, I turn on my left side, left arm up under my head and he turned off the lights, put his hand in my gown and rubbed around..............
............with a little wand with lube on it, ROFLMAO!!! And then he took all these pics of my heart in different areas. Once that was done, he let my Doc know we were about to do the treadmill torture and she came in and told me that with 5 years of EKG's and one Echo 5 years ago, there was absolutely nothing there for her to be concerned with. The other doctor had nothing to compare his findings with and from what she saw, my EKG and the echo showed my heart was better than it was 5 years ago!! If I was still worried, they would still do the rest of the test. She asked me how I was feeling, fine, was I having any chest pains, not any out of the ordinary, was I still feeling the afibs, yes, but, not as much, do I feel any pain upon exertion, no, been walking 2 miles a day. She looked at me, lifted her eyes brows, looked at Cody {tech} and said, get her outta here. Don't come back unless you are having trouble or we need you in for a check up!!
I got dressed and I was OUTTA THERE!!!
Then, I came home, got on my treadmill and walked myself stupid!!