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  1. R

    Who'd Want THIS Job?!!

    You sound like a Skyrim guard. :drama::sorry:
  2. R

    Who uses Distilled Water?

    I have one of these in the house that I clean. I personally would not drink out of it because the little coffe pods are putting micropastics in your coffee. P.S. Use purified water if you are sick, put purified water in a big pot, and boil it. It is good if you are sick to breathe in moisture...
  3. R

    Aloe Health Treatment

    ❤️ Thanks for reading! ❤️
  4. R

    Aloe Health Treatment

    You got a burn? Go to the store and get some burn cream. Wait! Go and get aloe burn cream, but buy an aloe plant! If you cut an aloe leaf lengthwise, you can scoop out the insides of it, and put the slimy stuff on your burn, and sometimes cuts! Also, aloe is good to eat, as well (if you can...
  5. R

    Carnation Milk Company

    Um, I'm looking for a divorce, Your Honor.