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  1. Deadly Sushi

    Chocolate bar has 8 insect legs in it!

    On average its TRUE! :ohmy: Google it for further info! :brows:
  2. Deadly Sushi

    With A Piece of Chalk

  3. Deadly Sushi

    Boozy Kombucha

    I have to say.... this looks refreshing, different and tasty! :WitchBrewsSmiley:
  4. Deadly Sushi

    SOUP UP!

    WHo has the BEST CHICKEN BASED soup??? (Do I have this in the correct forum?) I bought a lot of chicken on sale. Bone-in... boneless... thighs... quarters. So tell me.... what is YOUR best chicken soup???? :chef:
  5. Deadly Sushi

    Kidney Disease Recipes

    My uncle is in late stage kidney disease (CKD) and his diet must not contain high amounts of potassium and phosphorus so I stumbled upon a fantastic website that gives you recipes and tell you if its good for diabetes, chronic kidney disease with no transfusion or kidney disease with a...
  6. Deadly Sushi

    Doctors testify to patient's spirit return

    I really have to wonder if this was true. What do you folks think? Watch the video on the bottom.
  7. Deadly Sushi

    Frozen bag of Vegi's

    I bought 20 frozen bags of vegetables. 10 Fiesta Style and 10 Asian Stir fry style. Now I need ideas on how to prepare them differently besides sauteing them with salt and pepper. Anyone have ideas?
  8. Deadly Sushi

    Men Throwing Rocks With The Other Hand

    Im really tired and its Friday. Got low hanging fruit here
  9. Deadly Sushi

    I Just Realized...

    I was born the same year The Beatles broke up. Which means I was living while they were still together. :huh: Im freakin old man :(
  10. Deadly Sushi

    Bowling Shirts

    If anyone can find a "Charlie Sheen" bowling shirt for less than $20 I will provide a finders fee. :a1:
  11. Deadly Sushi

    Ohhhhhhh My GOD!

    :ohmy: I need a change after seeing this :bounce:
  12. Deadly Sushi

    Movie: The Movie!

    This is NSFW :a1: Watch and you will be changed!!!!
  13. Deadly Sushi

    A Healthy Pizza... from Scotland

    :huh: Im not making this up! And it has something that is common in sushi! You wanna know what else is from Scotland? Karen Gillan. :wub: So an Italian dish that is healthy and reformulated by a guy in Scotland uses an ingredient mainly used in Japan. :ermm...
  14. Deadly Sushi

    10Exciting Iced Teas!

    I really wanted to share these with you folks! :) TOP ROW • 1 Iced Green Tea Elixir with Ginger & Lemon • 2 Iced Chrysanthemum Tea • 3 How To Make Sweet Tea • 4 Dr. Oz's Green Tea, Tangerine and Mint Tonic • 5 Green Tea Mojito BOTTOM ROW • 6 Hibiscus-Earl Grey Iced Tea • 7 DIY Thai Iced Tea •...
  15. Deadly Sushi

    Karen Gillan

    Karen Gillan is on a British TV series called Doctor Who. So why post about her on a food / cooking forum? Well I hear she likes food. :shifty:
  16. Deadly Sushi


    Dont get married!
  17. Deadly Sushi

    BE booop Boop........

    Love this version :)
  18. Deadly Sushi

    What are you listening to?

    Do we have a thread for this?
  19. Deadly Sushi

    Why do my Dogs Not Taste as good?

    Ok..... why in the heck do hotdogs at the local greasy spoons taste fantastic and mine taste..... like I made it at home? :neutral: