Trivia 1/15


Grill Master
Trivia 1/15


Octopuses have the largest brain of any other invertebrate.

1. Which country has the most active volcanoes in the world?

a. - Iceland

b. - Italy

c. - USA

d. - Indonesia

2. Who recorded the 1991 Country song "Two Of A Kind, Working On A Full House"?

a. - George Strait

b. - Randy Travis

c. - Garth Brooks

d. - Alan Jackson

3. Frigates, corvettes and barques are all types of ship which derived their English names from which language?

a. - Swedish

b. - Spanish

c. - French

d. - Italian

4. Which popular 1980s power ballad by a British rock band was part of the film "Highlander"?

5. In 1999, in Columbine, Colorado, two Seniors dressed in trench coats rained bullets on their classmates and teachers in a deadly school shooting. What were the killers' first names?

6. Martin Luther King Jr. was an American civil rights activist who was assassinated in 1968 in which city?

7. In England it's a Drawing pin ; in the USA it's a .... what ?

8. Who played Frank Abagnale Jr. in "Catch Me if You Can"?


the first Mini Cooper was built for compact parking.





















1. - d

2. - c

3. - c

4. "Who Wants to Live Forever" by Queen

5. Dylan & Eric

6. Memphis

7. Thumb Tack

8. Leonardo DiCaprio


Alec Issigonis designed the first Mini to save on fuel costs as a response to the 1956 Suez Petrol Crisis. Formula One legendary designer John Cooper saw an opportunity to use the light-weight Mini model to make a fast racecar and thus the Mini Cooper was born. In 1962, two of BMC's major brands, Austin and Morris, released the first publicly available Mini Coopers leading to the Mini becoming an iconic car of the 1960s. After changing ownership many times, BMW obtained the rights to the Mini name, and in 2001, they released the MINI Cooper Hatch and MINI Cooper S.