Sunday Special -The Munsters


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Sunday Special -The Munsters !

1. What year did the show premier?

a. - 1962

b. - 1964

c. - 1966

d. - 1968

2. Al Lewis (Grandpa) and Fred Gwynne (Herman) appeared together in a series before "The Munsters"; name it.

3. Beverly Owen (Marilyn) left the show during the first season; name the actress who replaced her.

a. - Pat Bishop

b. - Pat Pope

c. - Pat Priest

d. - Pat Cardinal

4. Who was Eddie's Sunday Special favorite TV personality?

a. - Bongo

b. - Zongo

c. - Bombo

d. - Zombo

5. What was Eddie's full name

6. Where did Herman work, and what famous horror movie actor played his Boss, Mr. Gateman?

7. What was the name of the family pet?

(Bonus ; What sort of critter was he ?) 8. What was the name of Eddie's Doll?

9. What was the name of Grandpa's pet bat?

10. What was the Munsters' House address?

(Hint ; 1313 M.L.)

11. What was the piece of furniture in the living room favored by Grandpa?

12. Where was the Munsters' telephone located?

13.What two musical instruments could be found in the living room?

14. When Grandpa made a potion for Eddie to make him grow taller, what was the result?

a. - It made him shorter

b. - It made him bald

c. - It gave him a beard and mustache

d. - It grew a lot of hair , everywhere

15. Which cast member starred in a Steven King movie?






















1. - b

2. "Car 54, where are you??"

3. - c

4. - d (played by Louie Nye)

5. Edward Wolfgang Munster

6. in a funeral parlor, "Gateman, Goodbury and Graves"

-Mr. Gateman was played by John Carradine

7. Spot - a Dragon

8. Woof-Woof

9. Igor

10. 1313 Mockingbird Lane

11. an Electric chair

12. In a coffin in the hall

13. organ and harp

14. - c

15. Fred Gwynne, in "Pet Semetary"