I have the hand-crank rollers, from Imperia, for many years; & prefer it to automatic pasta machines.
About a decade ago, Ron Popeil (sp) came out with an automatic pasta machine. The info-mercial was very impressive - 10 machines going at once, & all extruding different flavors of pasta (even chocolate), & several different dies of every shape & size.
I picked one up, for about $50 (new), at a discount store, & gave it a try. Very disappointed. The motor was super loud, smelled like burning rubber, the pasta barely extruded (about 2" at a time, & then broke off). I followed the directions to a "T", but the pasta never did turn out like the commercial/demo.
Never heard of that brand, so I did some poking around on the www. There's only one (positive) review. Also noticed (from the pic) that with that brand/model you can't really see the dough mixing, as you can with the 'clear' constructed machines.
I really wanted the machine work, but it didn't deliver. More research on the www, showed the top 3 rated machines on Amazon (that brand was not mentioned). Even the top-rated machine (different brand) had the same problems I encountered.
Maybe, after 10 years, the motor & product has improved. You could always give it a try, and return, to HSN. Their return policy is very good. I might check out ebay & amazon, & go with a brand that has been well-reviewed.
Good luck Guts. If you give it a whirl, & it really deivers/works let us know.