BBQ Marinated Brie


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1 tbl lemon juice
1 tbl vegetable oil
1/2 red pepper,finely chopped
1 tbl fresh parsley,finely chopped
1 clove garlic,finely minced
1 tsp dijon mustard
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
8oz brie or camembert

combine lemon,oil,red pepper,parsley,garlic,mustard and black pepper.mix well

place cheese wheel in a small non metallic dish,poke it all over with a fork.

pour marinade over cheese.cover and let sit in fridge for at least 2 hours or overnight

preheat bbq to 350*. put a piece of foil on grill and poke holes in foil with a skewer. place cheese on foil

heat until cheese starts to bulge around edges and center is soft. about 15 minutes.

serve warm