Cats Stuffed Portabella Mushrooms


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YeOldeStonecats Stuffed Portabella Mushrooms (or Portobello or Portobella...depending on whos recipe you read...spelling varies)

Take out the packages of Alouette cheese to let them get to room temp so it's soft and spreadable.

Pre-heat oven to 325

Take large mushroom caps..slice the stems off cutting inward at a slight angle, so you somewhat create a cone shaped crater. Don't cut through..just in a bit to get the hole stem removed. Try to leave the cap whole.

Baking sheet..line with foil if non-stick, liberally coat with olive oil. Place the mushroom caps "dome side up"...on the sheet. Douse with olive oil and rub in as best you can so as to cover entire cap surface. Flip mushroom caps over so they are bottom side up (sort of like a saucer now)

Douse very liberally with white wine...try to fill them up like a little cereal bowl. Let them drink it in...they are like sponges. Splash some more over them about a half hour later. Don't worry about letting the wine run all over the cooking's fine to let them soak it up from the bottom too.

Splash a bit of white worcestershire sauce over them...

Lightly spread around a little bit of fresh chopped or crushed garlic.

Crack a little bit of pepper over them

Now...that Alouette cheese comes in these little plastic containers...try to slice out thick slabs of it with a butter large in diameter as you can, and drop on top of the mushrooms..(bottom side we're talking about..which is facing up). Eh, half inch thick slices or so. Ideally to cover the whole thing. It's difficult to "spread" it, as you'll notice..that's why I like to get the cheese spread to room temp. Just pat it down with your fingers.

Sprinkle over the top with bread crumbs

Drizzle a bit of olive oil over the top

Toss in oven for about an hour. At the end, depending on how your oven is, if you don't have convection, you can move to the top rack and broil to brown the breadcrumb tops a bit more.

As they're in the oven...begin your chive infused olive oil. Take olive oil, and take a package of chives..chop them into about 2" lengths and toss into the olive oil. Heat up "almost" to a simmer..then shut off right away..and just let it sit for the hour your 'shrooms are baking/roasting. You can toss in a couple of whole peppercorns too. Even a garlic clove or something. You can be creative here..basically you're just making a nice infused olive oil.

When pulling mushrooms out, let them cool...they are holding some serious heat with that cheese and oil in them...if someone bites right away you'll have nice burns in your mouth. Serve on plate...drizzle over the top with the infused olive oil (the oil should have a nice green color by now). You can even sprinkle a wee more breadcrumbs over the top.

You can experiment with the cheese spread also. Mix in some parm or reggie. Or stir in some crabmeat. Can sprinkle some fresh chive slices over the top for "presentation".

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